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OUR little FARM

Little Yard Farm is a charming homestead nestled in the hills of Moravia, dedicated to sharing the joy of place through food and plants. LYF offers home supplies, health remedies, beauty products, and meals grown largely (you guessed it) right on the farm, as well as the "Winnie and Evie's Greenhouse Gatherings" series, which offers a bohemian-chic greenhouse dining experience.


Laura came up with the idea for a small farm as a cultural and ecological center of connection and enjoyment by putting together her environmental science and forestry training, dairy farm experience, expertise as a sous-chef and kitchen manager, and a true inability to let an opportunity go. “I can live with failure; it’s never having tried that I can’t live with,” she told her husband, Billy (a die-hard gear-head with a heart too big for his own good), and so they took the leap and decided to build the reality they felt that they (and the world) needed.

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LYF wants to put people right in the center of all that provides for the mind, body, and soul: the land, the animals, and many welcome, new friends.

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LYF began with almost nothing—a singlewide trailer and 25 acres of land off of Craigslist—and lost even more in the first year. And yet, ever so slowly, their business grew through word of mouth. Soon they were catering parties and providing meal delivery across the Finger Lakes. For the many customers who asked if they could come visit the farm, Laura wanted to create a space that was both functional and pretty—a place where the grittiness of real-life farming meets the inspiration of togetherness and nourishment. That’s how Greenhouse Gatherings were born. When visitors arrive for their Greenhouse Gatherings experience, they're treated to a farm tour of heritage animals and some stunning sunset views before an intimate, 5-7 course meal grown right from the land around them.


As their farm, their family, and their business has grown, Laura and Bill have found that the most important part of LYF's work is the togetherness it creates. They're happiest when people buy their products as gifts, or attend the Greenhouse Gatherings, for which they've implemented a sliding scale so that folks who ordinarily can't afford anything fancy can leave the LYF table feeling loved and celebrated. 

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